Monday, November 23, 2015

November 2015

Is anyone interested in going to the "On the Map" workshop, Thursday, December 3rd at noon at Great Northern in Weed? If not, but you are interested on having your business "on the Map" do you want to have a workshop, possibly afternoon after the holidays,
in Happy Camp?

Minutes from November Chamber Meeting:

Meeting was at Called to order at Pizza House at 3 pm
Since October minutes, balance in the checking account has increased to $245.29   with book order for $100 yet to be deposited $345.29.  That book-order will require purchase of more copies of Dear Mad'm and Dear Mad'm Who Was She? as those titles go the quickest. Since the new membership renewal requests for January 2016 have not been sent out as of yet, and we are WAY ahead of last year, when board members renewed early to meet the end of the year obligations. You may expect your renewal notice in the mail soon, as 2016 is going to be a great year, especially being out 30th Anniversary for the founding of the Happy Camp Chamber in July,  1986!!

Postage will also be needed for mailing coming up. Secretary checked with Jeannie at the bank on ordering checks, but she did not call back as of yet. 

We had many phone calls this week, particularly from Ed Lheaveux, author in Florida and Grace (related Walthalls) in Virginia. On Facebook we also had "like" from a gentleman in India, who thought we were most beautiful!! Which of course he is right!!
So many calls for lodging information, we really would appreciate brochures from lodging and food places a our supply is desperately low at the present time...especially Thompson Creek Lodge and Pizza House!!

If you have not had your edits on the Happy Camp Map and Directory, please get them in as soon as possible! The last board of the Chamber voted to include all businesses on the directory, but since we have eight pages, that simply will not fit!! The decision was made that all members (you) will receive a free listing-- approximately business card size. We will include all of the others that we are able to fit! However, if they especially want their business to be included, they may pay $25 for a listing with the name of the business and the phone number or Webpage where they may be contacted. (Additional lines being additional $10 each) This is the best compromise that we could come up with to get as many businesses in the directory brochure and yet not have it go beyond the size. Discussion of making a Handout for the 50th Anniversary of the Bigfoot Jamboree and 30th of the Chamber (similar to the Dear Mad'm handout we send with book orders) was tabled to the next meeting. Web page will be worked on at the December meeting. 

Busy month with QR Codes Workshop at the Siskiyou History Alliance, for which we will ask HCCSD if we may put a sign with QR Codes on the post of the Old Town Park sign and other owners (American House Hotel--Cuddihy family--Brick Building, Library,  Log High School Memorial, Log Church, Grange, Klamath Siskiyou Art Center etc) if they want QR Codes that can be read by tourists smart phones for information on historical sites. 
Di (Diane) Strathan and Jo (Joanne) Steele gave two evening workshop on marketing at Treehouse in Mt. Shasta. It was very interesting and informative while meeting a new business coming to the River and an Author Association for Siskiyou County as well as other businesses!! (Diane hasn't been down to Happy Camp to address the Chamber for 15 years, at the Lion's Hall--remember??)Next month is a JEDI opportunity to "put Happy Camp on the map!!" December 3rd in Mt Shasta City at JEDI

Ray Haupt came to discuss Chamber concerns and we appreciate the interest of our representative with Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors!! He brought us an update on the burned homes.

Plans for Dear Mad'm Symposium with the Siskiyou County Historical Society are being arranged with Lisa and Roberta Everett has offered bookmarks for the event. Kathy Jones has not been able to come over the hill yet--and it did snow!!

We have been offered an introductory tour of Chamber Master software and plan to do that for the December 2nd meeting, time and place to be determined by access to Web-computer tour!!
Thank you!

May you have much to be grateful for as we take a day to celebrate Thanksgiving, and may your memories be full of the happy places and times of former Thanksgivings as well! If you arent entertaining a crowd, come on down to the Happy Camp Elementary School for community holiday dinner at noon on Thursday. If you are able to, your help as a volunteer in preparation or clean-up would be grateful appreciated as well. Happy Thanksgiving! 

December 7th Neighborhood Watch meeting 5:30 Karuk Housing Conference Room
December 2 Happy Camp Chamber Meeting/ChamberMasterDemonstration
December 5 The Grange will be having its Annual Holiday Craft Fair from 11 o’clock to 3 PM.                          For information Call Ruth Bain (493-2989)
December 13th Eric Haskell's Holiday Parade for benefit of the H.C. Volunteer Fire Dept. December 16 Elementary School program/High School Drama
December 31st Community New Year Holiday Dinner (none on Christmas)
Let us know if you have events to be mentioned, and anything for Facebook as well. Thank you!! 

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