Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy Camp Chamber Meets April, 1998 & Emilyn Sheffield.

April 1, 1998
Harvey called the April 1st meeting of the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce to order. Harvey Shinar, Ivan & Gini Hyde, Howard Garthwait, Jean Dulong, Rosemary Boren, Helen Forbes, Chuck Atkins, Carrol Nelson, Debbie Wilkinson and Judy Bushy were present.

A letter was sent to Michael Condon USS District Ranger about the El Creek Road Situation A press release was approve about Candidate Night May 5th at the Lions Scout Hall on Park Way at 7 PM.
New Business: McCloud Lumberjack Fiesta is July 24-26, it costs $5 to be in the parade. Humboldt Visitor Guide advertising 6 spaces, available to Chamber members for 20% off was discussed. Millers Gas Station closing was discussed. Colliers Information and Interpretive Center (CIIC) did not get grant to operate this summer. Jean reported $3,298.38 in account including $2,000 grant.

April 7, 1998
Old Business: Ivan discussed the difficulty for construction outfit without a gas station here. There will be a National Marine Fisheries (NMF) meeting Thursday in Yreka. Chuck made a motion to get the ad in the Humboldt Visitor's magazine with Chamber paying for the ad and being reimbursed by advertisers, 2nd by Howard and approved.
New Business: The Chamber authorized the secretary to research the Dialog fror grant to finish the Old Town Park. Advertising money for tourisn new sigh, beautification and community development. Park site acquisition and Brick Building were discussed. We will have poker booth at Music Fun-fest. Coordinating Council requested bids for beer booth at the Bigfoot jamboree.
Howard reported on the Associate Chamber. County video and Cal Energy Geothermal project.
Rosemary suggested that we have an art, crat and antique show July 4th Sunday the Lions will have the Annual
Easter Egg Hunt at the high school. Mike Trombetta said the Computer Center is now a CSU satellite location to get upper division and graduate courses this summer and AA from COS in the fall.
Michael Condon and Barbara Holder and engineer will meet on Elk Creek Road repair and this may be a good time to ask 7 miles of Elk Creek go to County System.
Our Insurance Company will not renew the policy, a new carrier will be located.

April 15, 1998
Present Harvey Shinar, Ivan & Gini Hyde, Howard Garthwait, Jean Dulong, Rosemary Boren, Helen Forbes Chuck Atkins, Carroll Nelson, Debbie Wilkinson, Sue Burcell, Mike Trombetta and Dion Wood and Judy Bushy.
Judith Morasso, Judith and Charles Young gave a presentation on the Karuk Housing Authority, 40 new homes in various stages to be built and economic impact on Happy Camp. Howard Garthwait reported on Candidate night.
Rosie reported on Web Page corrections needing to be done (especially 530 area code.)
Churchill will give insurance quote next week.
Rental of Lions/Scout Hall was last paid 2/12/97 for 1997 and Howard made a motion that Jean be authorized to write a check to $120 for the first Tuesday of each month for a year and pay Larry's $23.93.. 2nd by Ivan and approved. Present balance is $3,263.40 and interest. Ivan made a motion we pay $20 for Lioness Funfest Poker booth, Howard 2nd and passed.

April 16, 1998
Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce hosted the Associate Chambers at the Memorial Log High School Building with dinner following at the Indian Creek Cafe.

April 22, 1998
There were thirty members and visitor's present at Indian Creek Cafe for the regular meeting of the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce. Emily Sheffield of Chico State University explained the Scenic Byway Project.
Present for the business meeting at 2:30 were Harvey Shinar,Ivan & Gini Hyde, Gary, Jean Dulong, Rosemary Boren, Marion Curtis, Doozie  Donna McCulley, Debbie Wilkinson, Chuck Harrison, Carroll Nelson, Mike Trombetta and Judy Bushy.
Rosemary made a motion that we use $1,800 for State of Jefferson Scenic Byway Brochures. Donna 2nd and it was approved Rosie abstained.
Harvey will be at a Board Workshop with OreCal on April 29th.

April 29th meeting of the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce was called to order by Vice President Ivan at 1:15 at the Indian Creek Cafe.  Those present were Ivan & Gini Hyde, Jean Dulong, Marion Curtis, Rosy Bley, Rosemary Boren, Chuck Harrison and Judy Bushy.
Chuck Harrison reported on the Happy Camp Achievement Center which is seeing to obtain grants to buy vans for transportation of Happy Camp's elderly,disabled and poor. They hope to get $170,000 to operate two vans and driver for a year. Marion made a motion that we endorse the idea and give a letter of support, Rosie 2nd and it passed.
Howard gave Ivan a quote for insurance where each chamber pays $206 plus $129 for each special event. It was suggested we look into Allstate policy $500 all inclusive which would be less expensive before deciding.
Marion made a notion we sell hot-dogs in addition to the poker booth at Music Fun-fest June 20th if there are enough workers. Rosie 2nd the motion and it passed.
Rosemary made a motion that we buy envelopes and pay postage, 2nd by Helen Forbes. Office Outfitters provided 1000 envelopes for $55 plus shipping last time an it lasted nearly a year. Ivan needs postage and Judy had requests for brochures and last mailing of brochures from last November or December wasn't reimbursed yet. Jean complained that stamps had been bought March 1st for February and March minutes. Secretary said April minutes are ready to send out. The item was tabled to the next meeting.
Candidate night was discussed. Debbie will make a cake an Marion will provide small paper plates.
Secretary brought up the opportunity to have our service organizations listed on a county resources website ( Tabled for further discussion.


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